Factory Cat floor care equipment offers users the perfect mix of performance and value. At Wisconsin Scrub & Sweep, we highly recommend Factory Cat scrubbers and sweepers to our customers that are looking for quality equipment that will last for a lifetime. If you are considering investing in a floor scrubber, or sweeper, check out our top 5 reasons for choosing Factory Cat.

Made in the USA - The recent supply chain issues left many commercial floor care equipment companies with parts availability issues. For scrubbers that are made overseas, replacement components and parts were often back-ordered for months while manufacturers waited for shipping containers to make their way to the US. What's great about Factory Cat equipment is that it is built in Racine, WI, and 95% of parts are sourced within the US. Many parts orders ship the same day to make sure you experience the least amount of downtime possible for your equipment.

Quality - Factory Cat floor scrubbers and sweepers have a reputation for being built to last. Each new Factory Cat scrubber and sweeper is hand-assembled and thoroughly tested. Machines are built on a steel frame and feature a unique baffle system, a large clear tank lid, powerful vacuum motor systems, and more. You can put up the quality of Factory Cat equipment against any other floor care equipment manufacturer in the industry.

Customizable - New equipment is built-to-order from Factory Cat with many options available for tank size, brush deck size, and more. You can choose your brush deck style (disk, cylindrical, or orbital), your controller (military grade, legacy, or touch screen), and brush/squeegee material to name a few options. There is also a list of upgrades and add-ons for the equipment like an off-aisle vacuum wand, hose attachment, and sanitation package. If you don't know where to start when selecting a model, here is a helpful questionnaire that can be filled out to determine your perfect machine.

Support - Featuring a strong dealer network and technical support, you can always find the answers you're looking for when using and maintaining Factory Cat equipment. Simply locate the serial number tag on your machine and effortlessly pull up your user manual, parts manual, warranty information, and more using a QR code scanner.

Value - You would think high-quality components, steel frame construction, and premium performance would come with a higher cost. Not so fast my friend! Get a quote today on a new Factory Cat and put them up against any other manufacturer. You will find that many times, the cost of new Factory Cat will be lower than other non-American-made machines from other manufacturers. Take a look at Factory Cat's equipment lineup at WisconsinScrubandSweep.com and request a quote, today.